

Saket College of Physical Education has a lush green campus with many facilities, including:

  • A large playground for sports like football, basketball, and cricket
  • A medical and dental hospital
  • Multiple auditoriums
  • Hostels

To become a college instructor, you typically need a master’s degree and teaching experience. A bachelor’s degree may also be required to enter the position. A doctorate is a standard requirement for most US university professors

Here are some steps you can take to become a college instructor:
  1. Earn a bachelor’s degree
  2. Get a master’s degree
  3. Gain teaching experience
  4. Develop your research profile
  5. Apply for instructor jobs
Instructors should be on time for their duties
Instructors should conduct themselves in a professional and cooperative manner
Instructors should be committed to their teaching, research, consultancy, and administrative responsibilities
Academic development
Instructors should improve their academic and professional competence by attending and participating in academic programs
Academic duties
Instructors should prepare lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, assessments, research, and guidance to research fellows
Student progress
Instructors should evaluate and document student progress, correct student work, and provide constructive feedback
Student behavior
Instructors should manage student behavior to create a positive learning environment

Instructors should ensure that their courses fit within the guidelines of the course description, including difficulty benchmarks, goals, readings, and evaluation methods